DISC Basic + Motivators Guide

Discover your whole self

DISC + Motivators

The DISC and Motivators assessment combines two distinct models of understanding our personality:

  1. DISC measures a person based on the DISC Theory of Personality developed by William Moulton Marston.
  2. Motivators is based on Gordon Allport‘s and Eduard Spranger‘s theory of values.

The DISC + Motivators assessment provides a more complete picture of why a person behaves the way they do by combining the insights of these two theories into a single report.

Through this report, a learner will discover why they are driven towards certain goals, jobs, and opportunities (Motivators) and they will then learn how they achieve those goals or their normal behavior in a job (DISC).

What's covered in the DISC + Motivators Profile?

The DISC + Motivators assessment and completed report cover three areas to help anyone become more self-aware. The report covers:

  1. Understanding DISC
  2. Understanding your behavioral tendencies and your blend of motivators
  3. Learn how to adapt to other communication and behavioral styles

The goal of the assessment and report is to help individuals find alignment with their lives and their personality.

For anyone that is in a position or job that doesn’t match their behavioral tendencies or values, they will find themselves in conflict or tension. DISC + Motivators will help a learner find synergy by understanding themselves through these two theories.

Understanding DISC

The DISC + Motivators completed report will first spend time teaching the core principles of DISC. The report covers the four DISC personality types along with learning the common descriptions for each personality type.

DISC + Motivators - Understanding DISC

Once a learner has covered the fundamentals of DISC theory, the report will move on to help them learn about the principles of our motivations and values.

Our values shape our behavior. In this section, the report will cover the 7 universal motivations which form the Motivation Index:

  1. Aesthetic – A drive for balance, harmony, and form.
  2. Economic – A drive for a return on investment.
  3. Individualistic – A drive to stand out as independent and unique
  4. Power – A drive to be in control or have influence.
  5. Altruistic – A drive to help others at the expense of self.
  6. Regulatory – A drive to establish order, routine, and structure
  7. Theoretical – A drive for knowledge, learning, and understanding.

Once the learner has read and understood these sections, they can move on to learn about their own behavioral and motivational style based on these theories.

Understanding your DISC and Motivational Style

After a person has completed their DISC + Motivators assessment and read about the theories of both models, they will review their DISC and Motivators graphs. The graphs and reporting contain information on a person’s:

  1. DISC Adapted Style
  2. DISC Natural Style Graph
  3. Motivators Universal Value Index

DISC shows a person’s style based on observable behavior. It will help outline a person’s communication preferences and how they will interact and respond to others.

The Motiavotors Index describes values and beliefs. It will reveal a person’s preferences on why they do what they do.

DISC + Motivators Individual reporting

This section of the report contains 29-pages that provide in-depth information about a person’s preferences and personality. They will review:

  • Their DISC General Characteristics
  • Their DISC Adapted Style
  • Their DISC Natural Style
  • Communication tips for other styles
  • Behavioral Needs and Stressors
  • Motivational Style Insights

To ensure that the learning sticks, the report includes worksheets for learners to use on their own or as part of their team / organizational workshop.

DISC + Motivators Worksheet

Learning how to adapt to other Styles

The power of DISC + Motivators is when it is used throughout the organization.

DISC provides a simple framework where it’s easy to discuss personality and behavioral types with simplified language without being simplistic.

This section also makes clear that there are no right or wrong DISC Styles. In fact, it’s important that organizations and teams have a mix of styles because each Style brings its own unique strength.

DISC + Motivators and adaptability

Learners are then provided with detailed explanations of how they can improve their working relationships with each style. The content is supplemented with information on how to adapt specific behaviors to meet the need of any DISC Style.

What does DISC Basic + Motivators cost?

The DISC + Motivators assessment is sold based on quantity. You can purchase this assessment directly from our website. Once you complete your payment, you will be emailed your unique access code(s) and a link to complete your assessment(s).

Quantity Price Per Profile
1 - 15
16 - 30
31 - 50
51 - 99

Access codes can only be used once. Please ensure that you or your learners don’t share the code with someone else.

For individuals or organizations who want more control over their assessments, we highly suggest you open your own Online Personality Assessment account.

Open Your Account

Manage Your reports Easily

Open an Admin account where you can manage your DISC, EIQ, and Motivators assessments. Brand your completed reports with your logo and company information. Requires a one-time, $95 fee.

Learn more